Mutual Aid for a More Just World pt. 8
First Published at Cultured

Tool libraries allow a group to share their working tools. Second Harvest of Nashville offers a Tool Share, for example. One person may have a shed, and neighbors pool together tools for the benefit of their neighborhood.
This saves money and space, and it decreases carbon footprints. Tool Libraries could also adjoin community workspaces. The Berkeley Public Library in California incorporated a tool library into their service offerings. It began first with community members applying for a federal Community Development Block Grant, and the city later added it to the budget. CDBGs are available for you to submit an application today. Public libraries can budget for a tool share program for $20,000 a year or less.
For some quick facts on tool libraries, check this link out. You may only need a tool for a moment, but together a neighborhood has access to a full set at no monetary cost. Plus checking out tools encourages social interactions between community members. Access to tool libraries helps us increase the property value of your neighborhoods for far less individual cost.