Mutual Aid for a More Just World pt. 9
First Published at Cultured
Little Free Libraries are another form of mutual aid. They are little bookshelves on a post in neighborhoods and other public spaces, and one constructs an enclosure to protect books from the elements. Little Free Libraries expand access to literature in a give and take format.
The Little Free Library nonprofit was founded at Hudson, Wisconsin, in 2012. They seek to build community, inspire readers, and expand global access to books. You can find Little Free libraries today in all 50 US states, over 100 nations, as well as Antarctica. For example, one could share a copy of Kropotkin’s Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution.
Personalize your Little Free Library however you like - paint, tinted glass, accents - you name it. Attach a motion-detecting nightlight to help patrons find their selection at all hours. Include a compartment for heirloom seeds for friends to grow some food. Or attach a hook to the post for a pet leash to free hands for books.
We find book sharing to be most important in a time when school boards ban creative writing that accurately reflects human history — like McMinn County, Tennessee’s school board banning Maus. This actions comes at the detriment of their students' education. We must preserve our collective human knowledge, even the parts that make us uncomfortable and ideas we may not yet understand in context.
Find the nearest registered #LittleFreeLibrary here: