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Join Our Brand New Network

Writer's picture: Tennessee Community GardensTennessee Community Gardens
Tennessee Community Gardens @tncommgard

Greetings TN community gardeners! We invite you to join us for our first meet & greet to learn about one another. Come prepared with a 30-second spiel of your name, organization, your mission, and vision of a statewide food network.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

Look below to see a curated affiliate list, and peruse our resources in Slack. We will save our video conference so everyone has a record. We will notate and distribute minutes, as well. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you.

Event: First Meet & Greet Date: 07/27/2022

Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Central

Location: Google Meet

Moderators: Anne V, Cecelie E, Jon Mychal H

Agenda: We plan to have an icebreaker, introductions, discuss visions and elections.

Topics: Emergent Strategy, Non-Violent Communication, Robert's Rules of Order

Mission: We connect community gardens, gardeners, homesteaders and urban farmers across Tennessee to build an equitable, sustainable, & healthy food network.

Values: We intend to catalyze a healthy food network in the state of Tennessee. We envision a sustainable network that anyone may access, and we plan to meet at the intersections of mutual aid as a show of solidarity.

Looking forward,


(615) 410-4079

Some Affiliates:

Mission: Brooklyn Heights Community Garden cultivates heathy community through growing food, intergenerational learning, and creative play.

Vision: Brooklyn Heights Community Garden is an urban farm and community-building hub that honors the land, nurtures people, and inspires a more beautiful, loving world.

Mission: CAC Beardsley Community Farm works to increase food security in Knoxville by providing fresh produce, accessible education, and land and resources for gardening.

Vision: Beardsley Farm is part of Malcolm-Martin Park, the former agricultural grounds of Knoxville College, one of the oldest historically Black colleges in the Southeast. We acknowledge that Beardsley Farm sits on the traditional land of the Tsalaguwetiyi (Cherokee, East) and Tsoyaha (Yuchi) People, who stewarded this land for countless generations.

Mission: Enlivening our community since 1998 through eating, education, and experience, Crabtree Farms is a nonprofit, community-focused sustainable farm and agricultural resource.

Vision: We believe in a world where people are connected to one another, the land, and their own healthy body.

Mission: Gardening, teaching, learning, living healthier and growing community.

Vision: Mborogarden is a demonstration vegetable garden that offers free produce to volunteers every Saturday. Come learn how to grow your food, and join us as we add more area gardens soon.

Mission: To bring people together to grow, cook and share nourishing food, with the goals of cultivating community and alleviating hunger in our city.

Vision: The Nashville Food Project embraces a vision of vibrant community food security in which everyone in Nashville has access to the food they want and need through a just and sustainable food system.

Mission: To enrich people and planet by strengthening connections across disciplines to leverage and accelerate sustainable action.

Vision: A locally-based upward spiral of human flourishing, economic growth, and healthy ecosystems created through collaboration and connection.

Mission: The Northwest Tennessee Local Food Network serves as a catalyst for a thriving and equitable local food system that is accessible to ALL.

Vision: We envision a sustainable regional food system that utilizes locally grown and produced foods to promote healthy individuals, equitable communities and thriving local economies.

Mission: Tennessee Extension Master Gardeners (TEMG’s) are trained volunteers that help the Extension Service share the latest and greatest gardening information! All volunteers are trained with 40 hours of horticultural classes and return 40 hours of volunteer community service through their Extension office.

Vision: The Master Gardener Program is offered by The University of Tennessee. Its main goal is to increase the availability of horticultural information to improve the quality of life with community garden/landscape programs.

Mission: The mission of The Village at Glencliff is to provide dignified, loving and hospitable medical respite, as well as, bridge housing community for our most vulnerable friends experiencing homelessness in Nashville.

Vision: We seek to meet each individual’s most basic needs so that they are empowered to focus on healing and permanent supportive housing.

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